img_0146I never had a pet my entire life and the decision to have one was totally unexpected and unplanned.  I did not anticipate that a trip to the Broward Humane Society would transform my life significantly…in a good way. The decision to visit the pound was made after I saw on their website a litter of 8 cute puppies. Curiosity may have brought me there but somehow I had a hint of suspicion that I may end up taking one home that day. Imagine my disappointment when the receptionist informed me that all puppies have been adopted except for one and that I was 5 minutes late as someone just confirmed to adopt the last puppy.  With a heavy heart I headed back to the exit when suddenly this woman came running towards me. She advised me to stay put as she was trying to match the puppy with her dog and in case of a mismatch I can adopt the puppy instead. I immediately requested to meet the puppy (a female) to check how she would interact with me and as soon as they laid her on my arms she immediately  started licking my face and climbing all over me like she has known me for so long. I felt a strong connection with her and I knew at that very moment that she was meant to be my pet.  The woman who was supposed to adopt her saw everything and happily gave her up to me. I immediately rushed through the paperwork and scooped her out of the pound just in case the woman changes her mind. I decided to name my new bestfriend Lily after the beautiful flower which symbolizes purity and perfection. This happened almost three years ago and Lily and I have been inseparable ever since. We have been through a lot together and I know we still have a lot to go through. Lily is a Chiweenie (a mix of Chihuahua and Dachshund) and today is her third birthday. I am featuring her on my page to celebrate her special day, her presence in my life and for the unconditional love she showers me everyday. Happy Birthday, Lily!

31 Comments on “LILY

  1. happy belated birthday lily. i also adopted a mixed retriever 2 years ago, going by the name fisher. within the first month i found out that he’d rather sniff and mark than retrieve, this ok he still is special as dogs are.


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    • Thanks Jim! Lily sends her thanks as well. She can be a little stubborn (probably the dachshund in her) but she is the sweetest dog one can wish for.


  2. How sweet! Lily is a cute little dog! Pets add a special charm to daily life. I would never want to be without some type of pet. (At the moment, we have a 12-year-old dog, a 17-year-old box turtle, and 11 chickens who love to eat from our hands and cuddle in our laps. 🙂

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  3. Lily is beautiful! When we were visiting Mexico for a few days a couple of years ago, a worker at a dental office had a little puppy at work with him. He called her Monica and she enjoyed visiting with anyone who entered. When I picked her up, she cuddled right in and I felt like I should take her home. Her owner offered to sell her, but i wasn’t sure I could believe everything he told me. Nor was I sure if I could transport her back to Arizona and subsequently to Canada when we returned. But I thought of her for a long time. If she’d been there the next day, I would have made more inquiries. I wasn’t sure of her mix, but now I know that she was also a chiweenie. So happy you got to keep yours.:)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aaaah! It would have been nice if you were able to take her with you. I do understand the process of transporting a pet between countries can be tedious with lots of paperwork. Hopefully you find another one soon. Thank you for dropping by and for sharing your wonderful story.


  4. Happy 3rd birthday to Miss Lily. She looks like a sweet dog. We adopted our dog Harry from a shelter 10 years ago which was one of the best things we’ve ever done. He’s been such a wonderful family companion. Wishing you many happy years with your pooch! 🙂

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  5. Congratulations to you both. I know that look well and can tell that you are blessed and she is too.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Bruce. She is such a sweet dog with a happy disposition. They often say that adopted dogs tend to be sweeter…that is very true of Lily.


  6. Such a touching story and Lily is a beautify puppy! I had a beautiful doggie of 15 years and he recently passed suddenly. He’s been our only pet and I can’t imagine having another one any time soon. I have such mixed feelings which are mostly selfish because of the pain from saying goodbye and not wanting to ever go through it again. But seeing your post and beautiful Lily has brought a smile to my face and maybe a second thought! Thank you! Happy Birthday Lily!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Laura! I am sorry about your loss and in a way happy as well to know that my post brought a smile to your face. Lily has been a great blessing and I look forward to creating more wonderul memories with her. One of these days, when your heart has finally healed, you will find a new pet that will bring you all the happiness in the world. Good luck and thank you for dropping by my page. Hope you visit us again soon. – Reymon

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you so much and yes, I will be looking forward to your future posts! 😃


  7. She is beautiful! My Mimi was adopted from the Orange County shelter here in Orlando. She is an older dog but I love her to bits. May you and Lily have many more happy years together.

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